How does Saint John Energy have the lowest rates?
We buy our energy in bulk from NB Power with a focus on providing the most efficient and reliable rates and services possible.
What about flowing dividends to the City of Saint John?
The growth strategy includes the ability for SJE to flow regular payments to the City in the form of a dividend while still maintaining our lower rate structure.
How is Saint John Energy's investment in Wind Different Than the Ontario Experience?
The main difference: timing. Wind is now the cheapest source of energy.
How will the Burchill Wind Project impact Saint John Energy operations and rates?
The project will only move ahead if Saint John Energy is able to derive significant savings from purchasing wind energy over the traditional supply. Any savings realized will provide us with positive options for Saint John.
Is Wind a good economic choice and are subsidies required?
The Burchill Wind project is not relying on any subsidies. It makes good economic sense on its own as wind energy is now the lowest-cost option for new electricity generation in Canada.
How will migratory birds and Saint John's ecology be protected?
There is a 1-year bird study happening right now which must be approved by government regulators before the project will go ahead.
What upgrades will the Smart Control Centre include?
Data management, communications and advanced central control system which will be interconnected to the Utility’s distribution network.
What does the Integrated Systems Manager consist of?
System load prediction algorithms and smart energy resource management software which will be developed.
What are the Smart Energy Resources that will be used?
Embedded energy assets which will be integrated into the Utility’s distribution system.
What is the timeline for the project from start to completion?
In general, the development of a wind energy project can take up to four years.
When will you know the developer for the project?
We anticipate the successful developer will be selected early this summer.
Why does SJE not simply build, own, and operate the wind farm on its own?
SJE is not permitted in legislation to own generation assets.
Supplying energy is new for SJE. What steps were taken to allow this?
We have been exploring options to diversify our electricity mix by providing more local, renewable energy to our customers for over a decade now.
Will the project be near homes?
The project will be in Spruce Lake Industrial Park. We do not anticipate it will be near homes.
What are the benefits?
This is an exciting time for both our company and for our city.
How much is the investment in this project?
It is anticipated the project investment by the successful proponent will be over $30M for the five-to-ten turbines that will generate between 20MW to 40MW of energy.
Who will own and operate the project?
The successful developer will design, build, own, and operate the wind farm.
Why the Burchill Wind Energy Project and location?
We have five years of wind data from the site which supports wind development in the area of Spruce Lake Industrial Park.
Are other municipal utilities involved in projects such as this?
Other municipal utilities right here in Atlantic Canada are involved in renewable energy projects.